
13 2022-08-04T18:02:33

So I have an **8 minute video** which I’m sending to you ;>* I decided to take some screenshots so you can get a -little- peak before it sends to you.. All I can say is, *holy fuck* I really really wanna do that again and again. I can’t get enough of just how just… good?? it feels?? It’s such a perfect shape and size and just everything hnnng. Also it reminds me of that video that really turned me on so.. I rate it ✅ ✅ ✅ 3 ticks and one 💦 Okay maybe more than one 💦 because it made me soaking wet 😖 I’m doing that again soon ;> 💌💌💌 CHECK YOUR 💌💌💌💌 Love from Belle

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