
2 2022-02-14T18:07:14

Centaur Things 3 Rise Of The Doe = 7% + Mommys Quest! Update 0.1 = 70% Hello all! I hope you are well! I just wanted to share a quick update about our next projects =) Centaur Things 3 - RISE OF THE DOE = is around 7% done. It took a little bit to get everything setup and ready for animation and rendering but we are full steam ahead on this project now and I will be providing regular updates starting this week! Mommy's Quest! Update 0.1 = is around 70% done. Also, I know the "demo" version was called version 0.69 but that was a bit of a meme. From here on out, we will go by versions in increments of .1 or .05 until we get to version 1.0 (which will be the full game). I will provide update on both these project throughout the month. The hope is release both of these next month!

agentredgirl's Post
agentredgirl's Post